
Don Cheadle's Stunning Net Worth Revealed

As Don Cheadle devotees likely know, in 2010, when Terrence Howard decided he was making his exit from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that's when Cheadle was called upon to make his entrance (via Republic World). Howard was supposed to reprise his Iron Man role as Rhodey in Iron Man 2, but salary negotiations collapsed, and he was subsequently replaced by Cheadle.

Cheadle got $1 million to appear in Iron Man 2, and in the years since has brought Rhodey (also known as War Machine) to life in the franchise's many other outings, like Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, and more. It's speculated that Cheadle's salary has increased to somewhere between $4 million and $7 million, however, the exact number is not currently confirmed (via IGN).

While this would account for the bulk of Cheadle's wealth, it's worth noting that his payday for Marvel movies is significantly lower than that of his co-stars: For example, thanks to a deal that allowed him to secure a portion of the film's profits, Robert Downey Jr. earned $75 million for Endgame, while actors like Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and Chris Hemsworth made $15 million for their roles. However, with Phase 4 of the Marvel franchise beginning (via Entertainment Weekly) and various Avengers hanging up their respective hats (via CBR), hopefully this clears way for Cheadle to play an even bigger role — and to earn the paycheck he deserves.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-05-07