
What Happened And Who's Been Charged

February 13, 2017, was an incredibly normal day for Libby German and Abby Williams. Well, maybe not exactly normal. According to Northern Star, it was a precious extra day off from school, and what teenager doesn't love that? They had every plan to take advantage of it, along with the nice weather that day, going on a hike through the nearby, familiar trails.

German's older sister dropped them off in the area around 1:30 p.m., and almost immediately, the best friends were posting pictures of themselves to social media. At 2:09, German posted a picture to Snapchat of Williams walking along Monon High Bridge (seen above). But after that, there was just silence.

German's grandfather gave the girls a call around 3 p.m. to say he was on his way to pick them up, but an hour later, they still hadn't arrived and weren't answering calls. By 5:30, they were reported missing, and within half an hour, most of the town was helping to search for them, but to no avail. The search was called off until the next morning, most people assuming they had gotten lost or injured. No one expected murder.

As late morning rolled around on February 14, their bodies were finally found lying 50 feet from Deer Creek, about a half mile east of the bridge where German had posted her photo (via IndyStar). And from there, a mystery formed.


Almeda Bohannan

Update: 2024-05-04